How Do I Choose The Right Prep School Program?
Due diligence is required to select the right program, just as due diligence is required to choose the right physician to perform your surgery.
Here are some do’s and don’ts:
Examine the credentials of the instructor(s)
Do they have adequate experience?
Do they have demonstrated success at various levels?
Can they teach the skills?
Are they just former players without any coaching experience?
Get evidence of a structured teaching environment
Get a practice schedule from the prospective program. Attend a practice, unannounced, and observe the session.
Is the practice organized?
Is the practice organized into individual, small group, and team components?
Are offensive and defensive principles covered?
Is there regular, consistent instruction and feedback in each drill? (or are the instructors passive observers?)
Are the players respectful, attentive and working hard?
Ask for a practice plan at the end of the session? (lack of a practice plan usually reflects lack of preparation and lack of specific goals)
Ask for an interview with the host family
Ask for a tour of the living space.
Ask for a tour of the school
Review the school website
Review the school calendar. Does the school offer a variety of elective courses in order to accommodate different interests?
Don’t select a program based on the quality of the uniform or the cost of the shoes
The amount or quality of the gear does not necessarily reflect a high quality program.
Ask for a competition schedule from the previous year
Are the tournaments high quality and consistent with the competitive nature of the prep level?
Ask for a league schedule
Is it a legitimate, organized, highly competitive league?